Thursday, February 24, 2011

On a Mission

I'm on a mission to find exercise that I like. Activities that I actually look forward to! I spent most high school and college at a gym pushing myself on the treadmill or the elliptical and lifting weights. Eventually I burned out. I was sick of the repetitive movements and staring at the calories  I had burned and miles I had run. I basically quit the gym a few years ago and have been trying out different options for movement that I actually enjoy.

A few movements (I avoid the word exercise, that makes it sound like a chore) options I have found so far:

Found at

Dancing! Either in my house with the music blaring or at a dance class. I've been going to Hipline here in the bay area and I really enjoy it! They blast the music, it's a room full of women shaking their booties and I really sweat! Hipline also offers a belly dancing class and workshop which I'm going to try asap.

Another sunset photo from Costa Rica
Yoga. I used to have a love/hate relationship with yoga. I found it too hard and sometimes boring. After going to the yoga teacher training last month I realized that yoga doesn't mean you have to have perfect form or look a certain way. It's all about the inner experience, listening to your body and being in the present. Now that I'm thinking of yoga as a time to get to know my Self better I am more relaxed about the whole process.

Coming up next: snowboarding, walking and anything else I discover!

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