Monday, April 11, 2011

This Weekend

I didn't take any pictures except the one below but I had a fun active weekend. I really took advantage of my surroundings and the weather! Here's are some things I did.:

I still am in awe of this bridge!

1. Went on a beautiful hike on Saturday with a friend. The hills here are as green as they ever will be and the flowers are starting to bloom!
2. Went to this beach and built sand castles and lay on the sand. I guess I should mention I was wearing shoes, jeans and a jacket. It was chilly! But if you lie down on the sand the sun was rather warm.
3. Watched this movie. I thought it was entertaining at best. Not a movie I would rave about but it was a fun Friday night date activity and I did have a few laughs.

Today my to do list includes:

Finishing Taxessssss
Baking banana bread
Making some business phone calls
Possibly going to Target and Michaels (the craft store)
Showering ;-)

Enjoy your Monday. :)

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